
Register on-line for Franke Park Day Camp starting on March 24, 2025!

Day Camp 2025"

Check out the Summer 2025 Day Camps Brochure!

PLEASE NOTE: Campers  4-12 years old are limited to one camp session.
Registering for more than one camp session will result in cancellations of the additional session (s) and a refund less processing fees.


2025 Franke Park Day Camp Schedule:

Session 1  (June 9-13)
Session 2 (June 16-20)
Session 3 (June 23-27)
Session 4 (July 7-11)
Session 5 (July 14-18)
Session 6 (July 21-25) 

Note, Camp is closed the week of June 30-July 4th. 

Campers must be of minimum age by June 1, 2025.

Financial assistance is available. Please inquire about the Youth Scholarship Program at the time of registration.

Advanced Camper 2025

The Advanced Camper Registration Brochure is NOW AVAILABLE!

Flashback photo!


M, T, W, Th, F        9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

AM Camp Care      7:00- 9:00 a.m.
PM Camp Care      4:00 -6:00 p.m.

Before and After Camp Program

An early morning and late afternoon Camp Care program is offered for campers ages 4-12. Camp Care will be held before and after the regular day camping program daily. The morning session runs from 7:00 a.m. until day camp begins at 9:00 a.m. and features breakfast, games, arts and crafts, and nature hikes. The late afternoon session begins when day camp adjourns and runs until 6:00 p.m. Arts and crafts, games, and nature hikes are also featured in the afternoon program as well as a light snack. Each Camp Care program is $25. Space is limited. 



Children who wish to attend camp together must indicate this on the registration form, however, due to the volume of registrations and the lottery processing system, we cannot guarantee placement in the same session.



Franke Park is located at 3411 Sherman Blvd. in Fort Wayne. The day camp parking lot is located between Pavilion #2 and the playground.

Franke map to lodge

What to Bring
*Sack Lunch (non-refrigerated)
*Canteen or Water Bottle
*Insect Repellent
*Book Bag or Backpack
*Plain white t-shirt for tie-dying
*Complete change of clothes


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