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Franke Park 3411 Sherman Blvd.

Size in acres: 339.4

Since 1921

Franke Park is located at 3411 Sherman Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN, 46808. For more detailed location information, check out the General Park Map or Franke Park Map

Park hours: 6 am-11 pm daily.


A Look Back in Time
Are you curious about the history of Franke Park?  Check out the above video or read about the History of Franke Park here!   
For additional history and photos, check out the Franke Park history powerpoint!


New Goshen Road Entrance Opens to Franke Park
Includes new bridge over Spy Run Creek, multi-use trails   

Mayor Sharon Tucker, Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Director Steve McDaniel, community leaders, funding partners along with Indiana Department of Natural Resources (INDR) and Great Lakes Commission representatives celebrated the grand new entrance to Franke Park with a ribbon cutting.

The ceremony highlights the major outdoor improvements for phase one of the Franke Park Renaissance Plan and features:

  • A new winding, tree-lined entrance from Goshen Road.
  • A new bridge over Spy Run Creek.
  • Paved, multi-use trail, thoughtful vehicular circulation and connection to residential neighborhoods in the southwest corner of the park.
  • Improvements to the mountain bike and hiking trails.
  • Read more....

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Check out the progress being made on the new McMillen Family pavilion in Franke Park!  Watch the Franke Park Renaissance video to check out all the new improvements to the park! AND you can now reserve the pavilion for rentals starting on January 2, 2025! 


Scroll down for more information about our park features:  





Franke Pavilion #1   

Capacity: 296  



Franke Pavilion #2                       

Capacity: 128               



Franke Pond Pavilion 

Capacity: 70

More information is available on renting pavilions. Read more on the pavilion web page.



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Franke Deck Lake

Nestled in the midst of Franke Park is Shoaff Lake. A serene body of water, the lake is home to fish and birds of all types. Fishing is allowed with appropriate licenses.


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There are plenty of opportunities to play on the playground in Franke Park.



6 new parks are being planned including this one at Franke Park! Additional details coming soon!

Natural Open Space/Trailsing 

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Walking/hiking trails run all through Franke Park. Several clearings and natural open spaces are scattered throughout the wooden areas.

Franke Picnic 2 Franke Picnic 3

To view a map of some of the multi use trails in Franke Park check out: Trail Map
Note, these trails are maintained by the 3 Rivers Velo Sport Bicycle Club and are intended for everyone to enjoy. Please wear a helmet.

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Foellinger Theatre

The Foellinger Outdoor Theatre constructed in 1948-9, was built with donated funds in memory of the late Oscar Foellinger, publisher of the News-Sentinel. Today it houses concerts, rented events and performances (seasonally).

Fort Wayne Zoo

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The Fort Wayne Zoo evolved in the mid-1960's from an earlier bird sanctuary and native animal exhibit. Today the Fort Wayne Zoo has become one of the area's finest attractions for adults and children alike!

Franke BMX


Franke BMX Sign  Franke BMX Hills 3

The Franke Park BMX is for riders young and old to come and compete, learn, practice and have a great time.

Franke Park Day Camp

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Since its inception in 1946, Franke Park Day Camp has provided unforgettable childhood experiences for thousands of area youth. With its strong emphasis on nature education and basic camping skills, Franke Park Day Camp provides an environment which fosters cooperation, problem-solving and socialization as well as the dirty, muddy outdoor fun kids of all ages enjoy! Check out the Day Camp web link or Sign up for camp (offered each summer)



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